Bird Control in Dubai

  • Professional License to operate in Dubai – license
  • Municipality-approved company – approval
  • Working hours: 24/7
  • High-quality pesticides
  • High-level Industry technologies & procedures
  • We work under the contract
  • Privacy guarantee, your neighbors won’t worry
  • Card / cash payment

Prices for bird control (running meter)

AreaPrices, AED
Up to 100 meters40 per meter
From 100 to 250 meters35 per meter
From 250 meters30 per meter

*One running meter equals the usual length of one meter.

Also, we provide professional pest control services for various types of businesses:

  • Restaurants & cafes;
  • Retail Shops and Shopping malls;
  • Hotels;
  • Schools and Universities;
  • Hospitals and Clinics;
  • Offices and buildings;
  • Industrial and construction facilities;
  • Yachts and boats;
  • Yard and Warehouses.

If you need year contracts, please, fill out the inquiry form on the website or call us.

How do we work?

1) our manager will contact you to clarify the details after filling out the request form;
2) our specialists arrive strictly at the agreed time;
3) the first step is to inspect the object;
4) then we sign the service contract with you;
5) then our specialists start processing;
6) the whole process takes 40 minutes MAX.

Pest birds

Our company offers bird control services. This service is in demand in various fields of human activity – from the garden plot to the food industry and trade.
Many birds quickly adapt to the environment and settle in colonies near people. That fact affects their intelligence: birds can recognize potential danger and not fall into traps, remember people who are suspected of unfriendliness and avoid them in every possible way. Therefore, getting rid of birds, their removal or population control may require a systematic approach and various tools.

What is the harm of birds?

Birds can cause tremendous damage in various aspects of human life:
– the chemical composition of bird droppings can spoil the paint surface of a car or an engineering structure;
– birds destroy food stocks in warehouses, granaries, goods in supermarkets, violate the tightness of packaging, infect products with droppings, feathers, insect parasites that they carry on themselves;
– birds are carriers of dangerous diseases: chlamydia, hepatitis, tuberculosis, bird flu, salmonellosis, and others. Their appearance in the working area of enterprises harms the sanitary situation.

Bird Control Methods

Unlike the fight against other pests, processing from birds does not involve their extermination. Bird control methods consist primarily in scaring birds away from protected objects, which implies knowledge of biology, and bird behavior and creating uncomfortable conditions for them in places of their undesirable stay. This requires different technical methods. Sometimes the only way is to prevent the possibility of birds entering the object, which is achieved by carefully blocking possible places for birds to enter: installing fencing nets, gratings, curtains, and traps for individual individuals.
In the fight against birds, it is important to observe sanitary and hygienic standards, as well as to carry out preventive measures, which are often overlooked. Birds are easiest to deal with when they are not highly motivated to be on site. To do this, it is important to monitor the general sanitary condition of the facility – to prevent open storage of products that can become a source of food for birds, food waste, etc.

Interesting Facts

– it is still not known exactly what species of creatures birds originated from. One of the most popular theories says that from dinosaurs;
– to date, people know 10,694 species of birds that live on Earth;
– birds cannot sweat;
– the most common birds on Earth are chickens;
– birds have a blunted sense of taste;
– the sparrow is considered the most “smart” bird because there are 4.5 grams of the brain per 100 grams of the mass of a sparrow;
– seagulls can drink salt water without problems, because their tonsils filter salt;
– chickens can pretend to be dead to save their own lives.
– bird feathers weigh more than a skeleton. There are, of course, exceptions like penguins or ostriches, but usually, the feather cover outweighs the hollow light bones;
– the rooster has “built-in” ear plugs. When a rooster opens its mouth to sing its song, its ear canals close. The volume of the cry can reach 140 decibels, so nature has taken care that the bird does not become deaf from its sounds.

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