Bedbugs. Causes and main ways of infection

It seems that we should forget about such problems as pests in the modern world with highly developed technologies. However, pollution and consumption growth changes everything. One of such problems is bedbugs.

These parasites belong to the species of blood-sucking insects and feed on human and animals’ blood. Their size is from 0.5 mm to 9 mm, they have flat bodies which protect them from being crushed at night when a person turns in their sleep. They can adapt to any conditions, because they are not afraid of high temperatures (warm countries are their homeland) or cold (these insects fall into a state of suspended animation at low temperatures). They can live up to a year. They multiply rapidly, one female can lay up to 500 eggs per month.

Bedbug bites look exactly like mosquito bites and cause allergic reactions, burning and itching. These insects are extremely dangerous for families with children because bedbugs prefer to bite soft children’s skin very much. People often do not notice the problem in time, because some of the family are bitten by bedbugs, while others are not.

These pests are very dangerous to humans because of the spreading of diseases, such as various types of hepatitis, brucellosis, typhoid fever, fever and tularemia.

How do bedbugs get into the house?

There are many reasons why bed bugs appear in your house. The most common among them are:

  1. From outside. These insects can even be brought from public transport or through pets that have access to the street, because bedbugs can jump very high.
  2. Used furniture. Bedbugs can be brought home if you buy used furniture or household appliances.
  3. When you’ve returned from vacation. These parasites can be transported in clothes, luggage, hand luggage or other personal items often after the vacations, especially in hot countries.
  4. From neighbors. Bed bugs can enter through vents and balconies easily, through cracks in the walls from one apartment to another.

How to detect bedbugs?

It is not so easy to notice the appearance of bedbugs in the house, because these parasites are night creatures, and during the day they sleep in hidden corners, crevices, under baseboards and in seams where sunlight does not penetrate. They can be found out if you turn on the light around 4-5 o’clock in the morning. They crawl out at this time.

Observe the bedding carefully: bedbugs leave their waste products in the form of small black dots or red blood stains that are almost invisible.

Be sure to check the possible habitats of parasites. Bedbugs try to stay closer to their “food”, so they often hide in the seams of the mattress, sofa, upholstery – not far from the bed. But they can also hide in places where they are really unexpected to be: in baseboards, cracks, or behind paintings and carpets.

Leaved chitin shells stay in their habitats, even if the insects themselves are not visible.

If you find bed bugs in your home, you need to contact the disinfection service. These parasites used to survive and independent methods of struggle will not bring the needed effect.

Bedbug disinfection

The most effective way to control bedbugs is to contact specialists. Please, prepare the apartment before the arrival of disinfectants.

  • Step 1. Please, do a wet cleaning of the house, wash curtains, bedding and clothes at a high temperature (at least 60 degrees), place kitchen accessories and food in plastic bags. If the house has an aquarium, be sure to turn off its system and cover the aquarium during the disinfection. You should de-energize the wiring during processing in order to process the sockets.
  • Step 2. Disinfection specialists will make diagnostics to identify all infected places.
  • Step 3. Disinfestation from bedbugs takes about 40 minutes.
  • Step 4. It takes 1 hour for the chemicals to work totally, then all the rooms must be ventilated for 2-3 hours.

“First Station Pest Control” is a qualified pest control service. We use only innovative technologies and certified chemicals. Contact us if you have any questions. We work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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