How to get rid of bedbugs if there are pets in the house?
It is believed that bedbugs don’t bite animals. It’s not true! Yes, bedbugs prefer to suck human blood, but only because their legs doesn’t allow them to climb into the thick fur of a dog or a cat. But if there are a lot of bedbugs in the house and they are hungry, of course they will jump right on your pet. In addition, guinea pigs, chinchillas, hamsters, budgerigars and canaries would definitely be bitten. They suffer from bedbugs more than dogs or cats. American scientists nicknamed bedbugs “evil hitchhikers” because they “ride” animals and get from one room to another or inside the house.
It would be very clever to entrust destroying bedbugs in your house to professionals, because only they can correctly determine the concentration of chemicals and make the treatment really safe and effective. It is especially important, if you have pets, because chemicals can be very dangerous to them.
If you try to solve the problem yourself, then choose a chemical that says “safe for pets”. However, remember that this doesn’t apply to all animals. What is safe for some may be “death” for others. Poisoning depends on the type and size of the animal, as well as its sensitivity to special chemical compounds.
Aquarium fishes
Small, cold-blooded animals are the most sensitive to poisoning. It is important that nothing gets into the aquarium during processing. Even a small drop of a chemical can lead to the death of all fishes. If the aquarium is small, the best solution would be to take it out of the house or apartment until the pest control is over. If the aquarium is large, massive, please, cover it with a piece of thick cloth or film and plug it with a cork.
Birds are quite sensitive to chemical poisoning. Isolate them to keep them safe. Make sure that chemicals don’t get on their food during processing.
They don’t afraid of small doses of pesticides because of their large sizes, but it will be better to take pets outside during processing. You should do wet cleaning before letting animals in after pest control to make sure that pesticides do not get on their paws and fur. Contact your veterinarian, if your pet is behaving in an unusual way after a pest control (if he is lethargic, lack of energy, shows other signs of poisoning and est.). Timely help can save your pet’s life.
Trust the extermination of bedbugs only to professionals. Our company is very qualified in pest control. We work 24/7. If you have bedbugs in your house, don’t wait until the situation becomes critical. Call us and our service will protect your “sweet home” from pests and ensure your safety.