Rats. What danger can they make to a person and his home?

Rats are one of the most dangerous pests for people and their homes. They are clever and very organized rodents that are very mobile and quickly, survive and adapt easily. As a result, controlling rats can be a difficult quest for the unprepared person.

Rats spoil communications, things and destroy food stocks. They live in the dirtiest places like basements, carry lots of bacteria and fungus on their paws, and spread the danger throughout your home and yard. Infections that they carry: rabies, typhoid fever, salmonellosis and other dangerous diseases.

How to learn that rats got in your house?

It’s not easy as it seems to notice the appearance of these “guests”. Rats are good at hiding, so here are few signs you need to look at:

  • specific smell going from hidden places;
  • traces of litter in the corners of rooms or hidden places;
  • special rattle (usually at night);
  • signs of chewed food packaging or the presence of small marks from mouses’ teeth on products.

Rodent Control Methods

If you find rats in the house or yard, you should immediately start to fight them. Do not wait for a few rats to turn into a colony and do huge damage to you.

“First Station Pest Control Services” can guarantee the complete safety of your health and property. We use only highly effective, innovative chemicals that are safe for humans and pets.

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